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UUV Jetbrains Plugin

This plugin helps you to write and execute your UUV E2E tests from JetBrains IDEs.

Install plugin

  • Download UUV Plugin
  • Or find "UUV" from Marketplace tab in plugin window, then click on install.

Execute open

  1. On the main toolbar, select the UUV open run configuration

    UUV open Run Config

  2. Click The Run button or press Shift + F10.

It triggers the opening of the selected GUI runner (playwright, cypress, etc).

Execute e2e

  1. On the main toolbar, select the UUV e2e run configuration

    UUV e2e Run Config

  2. Click The Run button or press Shift + F10.

It runs all your e2e uuv tests without GUI runner.

Execute single file

  1. Open the target uuv test file

  2. Click the Run icon in the gutter on the Feature node, and select Run UUV Tests from the list.

    Execute single file

It runs the target uuv test file.

Custom configurations

A UUV Run configuration contains the followings parameters :

Custom run configuration

Project DirectoryYesMust be the directory containing the package.json where the uuv dependency is installed
Target scriptYesopen : to open the GUI runner
e2e : to execute tests without GUI runner
Use local npm scriptNoCheck this box if for some reason you are unable to run npx scripts from your ide
Target test fileNoIf empty: all test files will be included
If set: contains a specPattern path relative to the ProjetDir parameter
Target BrowserNoDefault value: chrome
Target browser to execute tests
Environment variablesNoOverride environment variables